Cosmetology School in Houston, TX

Cosmetology Training School in Houston, TXJumpstart Your Career in Beauty as a Cosmetology Student at Houston Training Schools

If you are a dedicated individual with a passion for all things beauty, then finding the best cosmetology schools in Houston for you is the first step to jumpstart your career. As a cosmetology student at Houston Training Schools, you will be exposed to a diverse, all-inclusive, and well-rounded curriculum that will prepare you for the ins and outs of the cosmetology industry.

Similar to other trade schools in Houston, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional learning experience for all of our students. Here is everything you need to know about our accredited cosmetology training school program.

About the Cosmetology Program

How many hours does the curriculum for cosmetology consist of?
All cosmetology students at Houston Training Schools are required to finish the 1,000-hour curriculum. What do you learn at cosmetology school? Our inclusive cosmetology school curriculum consists of:

  • Cosmetology theory and salon management
  • Shampoo, rinses, and scalp treatments
  • Haircutting and styling
  • Chemical rearranging: Perms and relaxers
  • Hair coloring and bleaching
  • Nail extensions, manicures, and pedicures
  • Facials, makeup, and skincare

As an established natural hair school, you will learn how to work with all different types of clients. We believe that diversity and inclusion should be a crucial part of every program at cosmetology schools in Houston. Our student body is represented by 40 different countries and all of our classes are taught in both English and Spanish.

How much is cosmetology school in Texas?

Our cosmetology training program at Houston Training Schools comes complete with a well-rounded curriculum for $11,100. Houston Training Schools is one of the few cosmetology schools in Houston that accept financial aid and provide multiple financial aid options for cosmetology students. Not only that, but at Houston Training Schools, we are committed to helping our students graduate without debt.

What are the opportunities in cosmetology?

What can you do with a cosmetology license? A Certificate of Cosmetology from Houston Training Schools will open doors to opportunities far and wide. Build and develop your reputation in the beauty industry by pursuing an amazing career as a hairstylist, manicurist, salon owner, manager, style and sales consultant, fashion stylist, style educator and so much more! Our thorough, advanced cosmetology program allows you to explore all aspects of theory while gaining hands-on experience in the industry’s latest trends.

The beauty industry is always searching for incredible new talent. From luxury spas to Hollywood, an undergraduate certificate of cosmetology can help you travel the world and achieve your personal and professional goals.

Enroll in the Houston Training Schools Cosmetology Program Today!

Houston Training Schools is a cosmetology training school in Houston, TX that offers students an expansive cosmetology curriculum that will prepare them for their cosmetology licensing exams and for their future careers in beauty. As an exclusive CHI Partner School, our cosmetology students are equipped with all of the tools they need to become successful in this field.

Ready to begin your career in cosmetology? To enroll in our cosmetology program, apply online today or call 877-640-4747 for more information.

An Exclusive CHI Partner School (Houston, TX)